April 16, 2007

There's Nothing Better Than Cake & Ice Cream

Here are a few pics of my girls at my niece's birthday party!! In their eyes, cake and ice cream are necessary intake for daily survival!!:) By the way, that's Grandma, Grandpa and my niece with the girls.


Anonymous said...

Yum! Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

So cute!! :o)

Jenny said...

Aww...if we don't get sugar, we just won't be in any mood to visit with anyone!!! And that's what grandparents (and CoachJ and JennaG)are for: extra sugar for your girls!

Robin Green said...

So sorry I missed this! Email me concerning your parents and the land behind me! I'm curious!

eph2810 said...

You bet that ice cream is necessary for survival...Especially when you are little girl :)...What cute girls you have.

Thank you again for stopping by LWG today.

Blessings on your Monday evening and always.

Karen Hossink said...

These ARE great pictures! And you just reminded me its my "baby" brother's 28th birthday today. Bad sister that I am, I forgot to send him a card...Good thing he has e-mail. I'll go right now and send him a greeting!
And ice cream, yes, lots of ice cream - necessary for survival!

gail@more than a song said...

Such cute pictures! Yes, I say cake and ice cream are VERY necessary!

Annie said...

They are just too cute!
There is nothing better than ice cream & grandparents!

Anonymous said...

Well, they have the right idea! You're children could not get any cuter!

Unknown said...

Great pictures. Seems like everyone had fun.


Melody said...

You're girls are so cute! Thanks for visiting my blog!