April 21, 2007

Randomized by JennaG

I took JennaG up on being randomized.

1. If you were to find out you were having boy/girl twins, what would you name them? (After you picked yourself up off the floor, that is!)

Well, we have two girls but we had a boy name picked out just in case. We were going to name a boy Bradley. I think we would like to have cute names starting with the same letter. We would probably name the girl Brooke.

2. If money were no object, what kind of car would you drive?

I just really want a car that will fit my whole family and be comfortable for me to drive. I would probably still just drive a mini-van (maybe with all the trim though) :)

3. The President called and he is coming to dinner, what will you cook for him?

Well, we are definetly not fancy people nor do we cook anything fancy. We would probably keep it comfortable and grill steaks. You always have nice fellowship time while grilling. We would do like we always do with our friends and set up some chairs on the back porch to sit and talk while grilling.

4. If you could eradicate one disease from this world, what would it be and why?

Just one? I'm gonna cheat on this one. I can't pick just one because my family has been affected by more than one. I would have to pick 3: diabetes, heart disease and cancer. My family has or has the strong possibility of being affected by all of these.

5. Let's say you are writing a fiction book--what is the title and what is it about?

This is the most difficult for me, believe it or not. I am so not creative. I love reading mystery/thriller (Christian, of course) books like ones written by Ted Dekker. I would love to write something captivating like that but cannot even think of what I would write. (I'm so boring) ;0)

Now, if anyone wants to be randomized, let me know. I will come up with questions to ask you! It's a great way to get to know our blogger friends!


Robin Green said...

I don't think you are boring at all. I have always liked the name Brooke--I just didn't think it went well with our last name! Thanks for playing!

Sonya said...

I don't think you're boring either. We do the same thing when we have company. We pull out lots of chairs and go casual. I love it when someone who has never been in our home comes over and I see them on the couch with their shoes off! As for feeding the President, he'd better feed me! He's the one making the big $! LOL! I'd love to play if you wanna randomize me!

Annie said...

That makes it three who say you are not boring!
I enjoyed reading your answers and would make a signature for you if you would like me to, just tell me what you want it to look like. I use gimp and then I'll give you the html code to plug into your settings.
♥ Annie

Annie said...

Okay Mandalyn, but it really doesn't take but a few minutes so if you decide you want help, just tell me. Also if you need the code and where to put it. (you may already know that)

gail@more than a song said...

Good answers!