April 2, 2007

Potty Talk

Pretty much everything at our house revolves around the potty lately!

I was sitting at my computer, blogging away, when all of the sudden I hear my oldest yelling, "Turn the light on". I walk into her bathroom and see her sitting on the potty. She says, "I tee tee in my panties. I suppose to tell mommy". (I always make her sit on the potty--even after accidents). Of course, I emphasized that we're suppose to tell Mommy BEFORE we tee tee. Anyway, I walk into her room and, lo and behold, step right in the spot where the accident occurred. I cannot count the number of times that has happened.

Earlier, during a moment of success, we made it to the potty in time, only to have the tee tee come flying out the front of the potty. My oldest replies, "The tee tee is on the floor". Who says boys are the only ones with aiming problems?:)


Mike said...

I have boys. Glad to hear that girls have aiming problems, too.



Robin Green said...

One day soon both will be potty trained, and all you will have is memories of potty puddles! ;)
We will look forward to seeing you on Easter. We are going to the T. Brown's for lunch that day! Yum!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to start the potty training thing with my little boy. I don't know if my nerves can handle it!

Overwhelmed! said...

There's a lot of potty talk going on at our house as well.

Snuggle Bug's latest stunt is to tell us he has to go "potty" at night before bed as a method of stalling!

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

Potty training is one thing I cannot get excited about again!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I remember those days! I have 2 girls and you're right...girls have their own issues with aim, as well. I'm pregnant with my first son now and I'm not so sure what I'll do when it comes to potty training time for him, LOL!

Jenny said...

I can't even remember that with my kids. :( But I'm smiling now with yours!!! I can just hear her voice...hugs and kisses to both.