April 20, 2007

A Neat Baby "Thing"

I may be so behind on everything but my sister-in-law just got my 6 month old daughter one of these "things" and she just loves it. As you can tell, I don't even know what it's called. I tried to find it on Walmart's website to post a picture of it but didn't know what to call it to search for it. Does anyone else know? Nonetheless, I've only tried it with orange slices but my daughter will suck all the juice out of it until it looks like a piece of dehydrated fruit! You put a piece of fruit, etc. in the netting and close it up so the baby is only able to get the juice and not the piece of food itself. She gets excited just seeing me fix it for her!

Thought I would post it for parents of young children who aren't on regular food but would enjoy the taste of some frest fruit, etc.


Anonymous said...

I saw these last week in the specialty baby shop at the mall. Can't remember what they were called, though. I've never seen anyone use them before. Cute picture, by the way! :o)

Jenny said...

Gosh, I need to have more kids so I can get all the cool new gadgets! Well, I can dream.......

Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

I have one of these too, but I haven't given it to 6 month old Livvie yet. How old is your little one? It looks to me like it would be pretty messy, right?

Robin Green said...

Where were all these gadgets when mine were little? Guess I'll have a lot of fun when the grandkids start coming along---a very long time from now!

Anonymous said...

Cool! They are always coming up with neat baby things. I won't be needing it, but my sister-in-law will be having a baby soon. I will have to recommend it to her!

Corrie said...

That's so cool! I'll have to get a couple!

Annie said...

I may try this for Izzy, thanks!
We're trying to encourage chewing. Most of her food is pureed... although I am always giving her bites of things to try. I do a set of oral exercises with a chew tube and z-vibe. Anyway, I'll look for this!
♥ Annie