March 31, 2007

Splat Designs Contest

I just entered this contest for a new blog design. I was suppose to post the image and web link on my blog but couldn't get it to post for some reason. Nonetheless, the contest ends today so hurry and sign up at

March 30, 2007

Weekend Reflection

  • Monday--I went to work. Not typically a work day but needed to make one up due to the AR trip last week.
  • Tuesday--Went to work and took my 6 month old to the doctor for a well visit and shots. (I always dread shot days as I'm sure every mother does) However, I can be thankful that she is healthy and happy!
  • Wednesday--Work again. Oh yeah and that visit to the OB-GYN. That's always something to look forward to. This was also the day that my two year old spent the afternoon having a meltdown. Our 6 month old kept her up crying due to teething. Exhaustion always leads to a meltdown with my precious daughter. :)
  • Thursday--Work yet again!
  • Friday--The weather was so wonderful! I spent the whole day playing with my sweet girls! We enjoyed being outside in the sandbox. Later, we went on a family date with my husband. We went to eat at Ruby Tuesday's and then went shopping at the mall! It was a wonderful time!
  • Saturday--Spent the day so far playing outside with my daughters, spending time with my husband and tackling 5 loads of laundry!

3 Things I'm Thankful for This Week:

1. I'm thankful that my daughter's doctor visit went well (and shots are over for another 6 months)!

2. I'm thankful that the weather has been favorable for playing outside!

3. I'm thankful that we've had the opportunity to spend some quality family time together this weekend!

6 Things Meme

Saw this meme over at Gail's and I thought I would try it.

1. Name six things in your refrigerator.
  • Skim Milk
  • Hershey's Syrup (my daughter and husband LOVE chocolate milk)
  • Diet Coke (my favorite drink)
  • Healthy Choice Smoked Sausage (for the jumbalya I'm planning on making)
  • Fruit (I don't like to eat it too much but buying it makes me feel like I'm trying)
  • Water bottles
2. Name six things in your freezer.
  • Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
  • Frozen Pizza
  • Catfish Fillets
  • Ole' Folks Whole Beef Sausage
  • Mini Pancakes (for my 2 year old)
  • Soup
3. Name six things under your kitchen sink.
  • Ivory Dishwasing Liquid
  • Toilet Wand With Refills
  • Dishwasing Pads
  • Liquid Potpourri
  • Stainless Steel Cleaner (for the refrigerator)
  • Cascade 2 in 1 Action Pads (These are great--easier than the liquid stuff)
4. Name six things around your computer.
  • Camera and Docking Station
  • Container of Pens
  • My Husband's Research Articles for School
  • Taking Care of the Me in Mommy by Lisa Welchel (book I'm reading right now)
  • Stapler
  • Flat Rate Boxes (to send stuff to soldiers)
5. Name six things in your medicine cabinet.
  • Extra Strength Tylenol
  • Motrin
  • Band-Aids
  • Aloe Vera
  • Cotton Balls
  • Alcohol
6. Name six things on or around your nightstand.
  • Bible
  • Alarm Clock
  • Books
  • Phone Charger
  • Lamp
  • Pillows I tag JennaG , CoachJ , and Corrie . Actually had to go look in my fridge and freezer. :)

Check this give-away out!

I'm with JennaG. A Dyson Slim would be really nice to have. 5 Minutes for Mom is giving one away. Go enter the contest for the Dyson Slim.

Hemangioma Progress

I have shared previously about our daughter's hemangioma on her nose. I wanted to show you what progress has been made. She's had 5 laser treatments and one big surgery. Typically, after a laser treatment, we see some progress but nothing drastic. After our last one (done a week ago), I've been able to tell great progress. It seems lighter now than it ever has.

March 28, 2007


We are struggling with a number of trials in our house with the primary one being EXHAUSTION. Our 6 month old (the above cutie) is teething. I had no idea how awful it could be. She woke up 5 times last night and woke the entire household up (including our 2 year old) at 4:45 this morning. I'm sure most of you know what a two year old is like when they are exhausted. Thank the Lord a good friend had given me a book by Lisa Welchel called Taking Care of the Me in Mommy. One statement she made has reminded me of my important influence on my household including my husband, children and their attitudes. She states that "moms set the tone in the home". I am reminded how important it is to take care of ourselves so that we can set a loving and pleasant atmosphere in our home.

Deuteronomy 25:18 "They attacked you when you were exhausted and weary, and they struck down those that were lagging behind." (NLT)

March 27, 2007

Another Meme

I got this Meme off JennaG's site and thought I would try it! Here goes....

1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:45 (15 minutes late)

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Facing the Giants

4. What is your favorite TV show? Don't watch much TV

5. What did you have for breakfast? A bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats

6. What is your middle name? Lynn

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian

8. What foods do you dislike? Crawfish, Sour Cream, Guacamole, MAYO

9. What are your favorite chips? Fritos

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I mainly listen to my collection on my IPOD (my sweet husband gave it to me for my birthday)

11. What kind of car do you drive? sedan

12. Favorite sandwich? I really like the Mediterranean Panini from a local restaurant

13. What are characteristics you can’t stand? arrogance & rudeness

14.What are your favorite clothes? capris

15. If you could go anywhere on vacation where would you go? Colorado

16. Where is sixteen? between 15 &17 :)

17. Where would you want to retire? close to family

18. Favorite time of day? When my husband gets home from work!

19. Where were you born? The South

20. What is your favorite sport to watch? Football

21. Coke or Pepsi? Coke

22. Beavers or ducks? Never thought about it before--I guess, Ducks.

23. Are you a morning person or a night owl? morning person

24. Pedicure or manicure? Pedicure--I chip my manicure too easily

25. What did you want to be when you were little? a teacher

26. What is your best childhood memory? Playing with friends at church

27. Ever been to Africa? No

28. Ever been toilet papering? Absolutely--in high school.

29. Been in a car accident? Yes

30. Favorite day of the week? Saturday-- My husband always lets me sleep in.

31. Favorite restaurant? Local Mom & Pop place

32. Favorite flower? Spring mix

33. Favorite ice-cream? Blue-Bell's Moolineum Crunch

34. Favorite fast food restaurant? Sonic

35. How many times did you fail your driver’s test? None

36. From whom did you get your last email? My Dad

37. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Don't have credit cards.

38. Last person you went to dinner with? My family

39. What are you listening to right now? My daughter playing

40. What is your favorite color? Red

41. How many tattoos do you have? None

42. How many are you sending this Email to? None

43. What time did you finish this e-mail blog entry? 6:20 PM

44. Favorite magazine? Southern Living

45. Coffee or tea? Iced sweet tea

46. Do you tan easily or burn easily? Tan

47. Do you color your hair? No

48. What was the first car you ever purchased without the help of your parents? I never purchased one on my own. My husband and I bought a brand new red Honda Accord after we got married.

49. What is your most dreaded household chore? cleaning the bathrooms

50. Who do you tag to complete this meme? Anyone who reads this and wants to do it!

March 26, 2007

A Recipe for You

I have loved reading everyone's Menu Planning Monday! However, I'm not sure that I'm organized enough to participate yet. If you notice on my previous blog, I ate Bran Flakes for supper. :) You see, I work an hour away from home right now (on T, W, Th) so by the time I get home, we don't really get to eat dinner together on those nights. So, I thought if nothing else, I could share a recipe with you that I plan on getting around to cook sometime during the following week. Tonight, I cooked the following for our lunch tomorrow. It is one of my husband's favorites! I hope you enjoy it, too!

Chicken Breasts Smothered in Tomatoes and Mozarella

4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 cup chopped onions
2 teaspoons bottled minced garlic
1 can (14 ounces) Italian-style stewed tomatoes (I actually use more)
1 1/2 cups (6 ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese

Pound chicken breasts to 1/4 inch thickness. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Add chicken and cook about 3 1/2 minutes per side or until no longer pink in the center. Transfer to plate; cover and keep warm. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in same skillet over medium heat. Add onions and garlic; cook and stir 3 minutes. Add tomatoes; bring to a simmer. Return chicken to skillet, spooning onion and tomato mixture over chicken. Sprinkle cheese over top. Broil 4 to 5 inches from heat until cheese is melted.

* I actually didn't put cheese on ours tonight and it was still really good.

God Bless!!

My First Meme

I have been tagged by JennaG for this fun 3 Things Meme!

3 Things I am scared of:
1. Scary movies
2. Spiders
3. Snakes

3 People that Make me Laugh:
1. Ashton Kutcher
2. Tim Allen
3. My daughters

3 Things I Love:
1. My Family/Friends
2. Food
3. Vacations

3 Things I Hate:
1. Struggling with my weight (due to the food I love in the above list) :)
2. Being late
3. Window shopping

3 Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Mean people
2. Arrogance
3. Higher math

3 Things On My Desk:
1. clock
2. camera and docking station
3. a lot of papers that don't belong there

3 Things I am Doing Right Now:
1. relaxing from a day at work
2. eating supper (a bowl of Bran Flakes)
3. trying to get my baby to stop crying

3 Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Travel with my husband (by ourselves!)
2. Pay off our student loans
3. Watch my children grow up and have their families

3 Things I Can Do:
1. Cross-stitch
2. Play softball
3. Make myself burp

3 Things I Can’t Do:
1. Play guitar
2. Sew
3. Get rid of my stretch marks from carrying children

3 Things You Should Listen To:
1. Praise & Worship Music
2. Spouse
3. The Holy Spirit

3 Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. The devil
2. Know-it-alls
3. Negative comments

3 Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to decorate cakes
2. How to handle stress better
3. How to play piano better

3 Favorite Foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Fried Chicken
3. Pizza (Pepperoni)

3 Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. The A-Team
2. The Donna Reed Show
3. Mr. Ed

I had to think really hard to answer these! Thanks for the tag! I really enjoyed it!

March 25, 2007

Weekend Reflection

I just started my blog and am learning as I go. I've read "Weekend Reflection" on my friend, JennaG's, blog and decided to learn more about it. I think it's suppose to be done on Saturday but I just learned so I'm gonna do it on Sunday this time. I figure I can do it this once since I'm an amateur. I had a good week. It was rushed and somewhat stressful but it could have been much worse.
  • Monday--I worked this day. I usually only work on T, W, Th but needed to make up a day due to the trip I was taking on Wednesday. I am a speech therapist and work at a hospital somewhere in the south!:)

  • Tuesday--I worked again as it was my usual day. I treat children and adults. Everyday I see patients with different difficulties and I am reminded of how blessed I am that my family is healthy.

  • Wednesday--I began a trip to Little Rock, AR. My sister-in-law took this trip with me.

  • Thursday--My oldest daughter had an appointment at Arkansas Children's hospital for a laser treatment (explanantion in first blog). Our appointment was not until 5pm and she was not allowed to eat all day until her treatment. Today was probably the most stressful. We spent the night in Southaven, MS to break up our trip.

  • Friday--We drove home and were very thankful to be back in our own beds.

  • Saturday--I spent the day shopping at Sam's and preparing for our week ahead. Let me just mention that I love shopping at Sam's. (Or as my 2 year old says, "The Sam's")

Everytime I take my daughter to Arkansas Children's Hospital, we walk by the ICU, Burn Center, Cancer Center, etc., and I have no choice but to thank God that we are not in those situations. I also pray for those precious children and their families that are going through such a difficult time.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead!

March 24, 2007

Lots of Questions

After returning from Arkansas, I was hoping to relax this weekend but that is not working out. I'm spending most of my time preparing for the week ahead--preparing meals, packing diaper bags, etc. My husband is stressing about his upcoming assignments for school. Despite the stresses of life, I can always remember how blessed I am when I hear my children laughing and playing. My two year old is becoming quite the question asker. Since this is a newly acquired skill, her semantics are a little off. The questions I heard today included:
  • Are you have the keys? (Translation: Do you have the keys?)
  • Are you bring me a prize? (Translation: Did you bring me a prize?)
  • Are you done with potty?
  • Are you thru with hair dryer?
  • Are you thru with make-up?

Yes, right now, they all start with "Are you...":)

Stepping Out In Faith

This is my first official post. I'm a little nervous because sharing information about my personal thoughts and ideas take my out of my comfort zone. However, the Lord is doing wonderful things in my life and they need to be shared. In the last two years of our life, the Lord has moved my husband and I to a different city away from our wonderful church and friends that we loved so dearly. My husband decided to pursue higher education and, although, we would be able to move back to our hometown, I was bitter for being transplanted. He graduates in December and since we have moved, the Lord has taught us so much about faith and waiting. He has taught us this in a couple of areas. Obviously, with my husband in school and my working part-time, we have learned to have faith and wait for the Lord to provide our basic needs. (We have never gone without anything we need--maybe some wants--but I am learning that I can be perfectly happy and fulfilled without the some of the wants I used to think were needs.)

Another avenue we have learned faith and waiting is through our oldest daughter. She was born with a nasal tip hemangioma. It's a collection of abnormal blood vessels that grows alarmingly fast. By the time she was 9 months old, the end of her nose looked like a perfectly shaped, red ball. (I've attached a picture at the bottom.) Being the protective mother that I am, I wanted (there are those wants again) and prayed that the Lord would remove it immediately. However, she just turned two and we just returned from Little Rock, AR for another laser treatment. A year ago, we had the hemangioma removed but the red color was embedded in her skin. So, now we return every 4-6 months for a color corrective laser treatment. To this day, she has never noticed a difference in her nose and others. It was my own worries that hindered my faith. The Lord has shown himself faithful through the whole process.

I was reading a Focus On The Family magazine and read a question that someone asked Dr. Dobson. It read, "I've often heard that God will not abandon us when we go through the fiery trial. But I don't understand what that really means. What can we expect from Him in the stressful moments?" Dr. Dobson answered, "I may lack the words to describe what occurs to the faithful in times of personal crisis. Let it be said, simply, that there is often a quiet awareness in the midst of chaos that the Lord is there, and He is still in control."

This is what I have been learning. Be still and now that in the midst of difficult times, the Lord is there and in control.