April 12, 2007

Daddy & Daughter

I have to share this because it is just so sweet! My husband has been doing this for a while and my daughter has it memorized. Nonetheless, he tells her this every night. He will say: "Look at Daddy's eyes. Daddy's got to talk to you. You're pretty, smart, beautiful and I love you lots."

Then he will ask her:

Daddy: "What does God have for you?"
Daughter: "God has a plan for me."
Daddy: "A plan to do what...?"
Daughter:"To prosper me."
Daddy:"That's right. A plan to prosper you for what...?"
Daughter:"For good and not evil."

Now, if you can imagine him saying this and her replying in her very sweet & innocent 2 year old voice, you can picture how sweet it is. I just beam when I hear him speaking God's Word over her and building her confidence and self-esteem!


Annie said...

That is the most precious thing I have read all day!
♥ Annie

Robin Green said...

What a good man you have. He'll be a pro by the time she's a teen! I think that's wonderful!

Anonymous said...

That is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing that. It was inspiring.

Nan said...

That is very sweet!

We try to teach our kids catechism questions and it's so cute to hear them say them... but ever more precious when they "get it."


Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

WOW! Faith is something that should be shown to our children at a young age, and your daughter sure does have great CHRISTIAN parents...she sure is a lucky girl! My hubby and my daughter say..."See you when the sun comes up"..."See you when the moon goes down". Not quite as "biblical", but cute none the less!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. What a good Daddy, he is!

Jenny said...

That's great. And I can just hear them now....

Karen Hossink said...

This interaction IS sweet!
I think it will be INVALUABLE when she is an adolescent. You know - pimply, hormonal, and unsure of everything. How wonderful it will be for her to have a solid grasp on both her earthy and Heavenly Fathers' love for her!!!