May 31, 2007

I Am Elinor~ Who Are You?

:: E L I N O R ::

You are Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! You are practical, circumspect, and discreet. Though you are tremendously sensible and allow your head to rule, you have a deep, emotional side that few people often see.

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Find out what Jane Austen heroine you are!

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My Husband's Proudest Moment

Except for our wedding day and birth of our children, this is probably my husband's proudest moment. Some of his friends might even say it tops our wedding day!:) He still, sometimes, carries around pictures of this 12 lb. bass to show people-- even though he caught it over a year ago!

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May 29, 2007

Coach Jenny Is Going To Kill Me!

We finally got my parents moved closer to us!! It was a very busy weekend! My parents rented a U-Haul to move all their belongings. When we got to their new house at 10:00 Saturday night, the U-Haul wouldn't make it up the driveway (which was VERY steep). So, all day Sunday, the men spent their time going up and down the driveway with a truck and trailer bringing my parents stuff up to the house. You talk about some tired men!!!

Coach Jenny and her hubby helped us so much! My girls had the best time with "Jen Jen" who stuffed them full of sugar, took them out to eat and took them shopping! You can read about their adventures here and here. She bought my girls beautiful clothes and Bath & Body Works for me which was very unexpected but greatly appreciated. Her hubby and son helped so much with moving my parents from Baton Rouge.

Just to help all our blogging friends get to know Coach Jenny even better, I thought I would post one of my favorite pictures of her.

This picture was taken at our old house at my niece's birthday party. It was a balloon party and, as you can see, we made animals and "other things" out of the balloons.

Love you, "Jen Jen"! ;)

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May 24, 2007

Headed to Baton Rouge

Well, we are headed to Baton Rouge tomorrow (Friday) to move my parents back to central Mississippi! This is a long awaited blessing that only God could make happen! My parents will be living one hour away from us and we are extremely excited about that! My wonderful friend, Coach Jenny , is going to come to my house to spend the night with my girls while we are out of town (her wonderful hubby is traveling with us to help move my parents). My oldest is very excited that "Jen Jen" and her daughter are coming to spend the night. Thanks "Jen Jen"!

Before I leave, JennaG tagged me for a meme! I love memes and am so glad she tagged me. Here are the rules:

Link to name of person that tagged you.
Include state and country you live in.
List top five favorite local restaurants.
Tag 5 other people and let them know they've been tagged.

First of all, I'm a little spooked about the whole internet privacy stuff so I'll only say that I'm in the Deep South of the United States--somewhere in Alabama to be more specific! I'm also only going to mention restaurants that are chains so my exact location isn't given. Sorry--just trying to be careful!:)

Some of our favorite restaurants are:

1. Olive Garden -- We absolutely love their salad and breadsticks. In fact, did you know that you can actually buy their salad dressing? We have done it many times because we love it so much!

2. Chick Fil A-- I know this is fast food but it is also one of our favorites! I also give my business to this restaurant because they close on Sunday so that their employees can attend church.

3. Outback -- This place is great! I love their blooming onion!

4. IHOP (International House of Pancakes) -- Because we love breakfast so much (and even eat it for supper sometimes), we love to eat at this restaurant.

5. Schlotzsky's -- I love their sourdough pizzas and my husband loves their Albuquerque Turkey sandwich!

Now, I tag, Farming Folks , Mo Mhile Gra , Jenileigh's Journey , My Lil Corner of the World , Mom Tu Tu .

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May 22, 2007

Time Travel Tuesday

Below is my first official post dated March 24, 2007. I started blogging after a lonely time in my life. We had moved away from all family and friends for my husband to pursue higher education. During this time, my friend, JennaG, gave me a book by Lisa Welchel called Taking Care of the Me in Mommy. One thing she recommended to moms needing to connect with other moms was to blog. So, I decided to try it and have loved every minute of it!

This is my first official post. I'm a little nervous because sharing information about my personal thoughts and ideas take my out of my comfort zone. However, the Lord is doing wonderful things in my life and they need to be shared. In the last two years of our life, the Lord has moved my husband and I to a different city away from our wonderful church and friends that we loved so dearly. My husband decided to pursue higher education and, although, we would be able to move back to our hometown, I was bitter for being transplanted. He graduates in December and since we have moved, the Lord has taught us so much about faith and waiting. He has taught us this in a couple of areas. Obviously, with my husband in school and my working part-time, we have learned to have faith and wait for the Lord to provide our basic needs. (We have never gone without anything we need--maybe some wants--but I am learning that I can be perfectly happy and fulfilled without the some of the wants I used to think were needs.)

Another avenue we have learned faith and waiting is through our oldest daughter. She was born with a nasal tip hemangioma. It's a collection of abnormal blood vessels that grows alarmingly fast. By the time she was 9 months old, the end of her nose looked like a perfectly shaped, red ball. (I've attached a picture at the bottom.) Being the protective mother that I am, I wanted (there are those wants again) and prayed that the Lord would remove it immediately. However, she just turned two and we just returned from Little Rock, AR for another laser treatment. A year ago, we had the hemangioma removed but the red color was embedded in her skin. So, now we return every 4-6 months for a color corrective laser treatment. To this day, she has never noticed a difference in her nose and others. It was my own worries that hindered my faith. The Lord has shown himself faithful through the whole process.

I was reading a Focus On The Family magazine and read a question that someone asked Dr. Dobson. It read, "I've often heard that God will not abandon us when we go through the fiery trial. But I don't understand what that really means. What can we expect from Him in the stressful moments?" Dr. Dobson answered, "I may lack the words to describe what occurs to the faithful in times of personal crisis. Let it be said, simply, that there is often a quiet awareness in the midst of chaos that the Lord is there, and He is still in control."This is what I have been learning. Be still and now that in the midst of difficult times, the Lord is there and in control.

For more Time Travel Tuesday, visit Annie at My Life As Annie.

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May 21, 2007

Fun With Stickers

This is what happens when grandparents send stickers in the mail to the grandchildren!:)

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May 19, 2007

Weekend Reflection

The Lord has blessed us this week. We've had sickness in our household but we are on the mend!
  • Monday--My girls started getting sick over the weekend so I had to take both of them to the pediatrician. They were both given a decongestant and cough syrup.
  • Tuesday--Suppose to be a work day but my oldest woke up with 101 temperature, shrivering all over and vomiting. I stayed home with the girls and tried to nurse her back to health. We had a very good day (as long as her temperature was down) and I really enjoyed the extra time with them.
  • Wednesday--Typical work day! On the way home, my oldest vomited all over herself in my car! She was so upset over it and her mama felt bad for her!
  • Thursday--My oldest (obviously not getting any better) woke up with 101.5 degree temperature. I called my boss and told her I would be coming in late. I had planned on taking my youngest to the babysitter's house and then taking my oldest to the doctor so I wouldn't have to carry both of them and all the stuff that comes with 2 children. My oldest, however, got very upset that the youngest wouldn't be going. I thought it was so sweet that she wanted her sister with her that I took them both.:) I'm a softy. ;) After much workup, it was determined that my oldest had an ear infection in the right ear and the beginnings of pneumonia.
  • Friday--Our niece came home with me on Thursday night so we got to spend quality time with her on Friday. It was a nice day! However, my husband came home sick with fever. I guess we're passing it through the house! I'm praying I don't get it!!!
  • Saturday--Today, I'm going to a wedding. My co-worker is getting married about 1 3/4 hours away. Another colleague and I are going to meet there. It's a long way, but I'm looking forward to the drive by myself and the time without kids for a change. I love 'em but sometimes I need a break! That time is now!

3 Things I'm Thankful For This Week:

  1. My daughters and husband are on the mend! Thank the Lord!
  2. I haven't gotten the "bug" going around our house!
  3. My parents are moving within 1 hour of us next weekend! (more babysitters--yeah!)

I hope everyone else had a great weekend, free of sickness!

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May 18, 2007

Friday's Feast

I love blog parties and was looking for a couple more to get involved with. I enjoyed this one.

List 3 emotions you experienced this week.

--Both my children started getting sick last weekend. We found out yesterday that my oldest has an ear infection in the right ear and the beginnings of pneumonia. My husband is now running fever and feeling bad as well.

--I feel peace/comfort when I think about how the Lord is always taking care of us. I look back over stressful times in our lives and am so amazed at how the Lord intervenes in His time and brings "calm to the storm".

Happiness and Contentment
--I look at my girls and wonder what I was truly living for (other than my Savior and wonderful husband) before they came. Their smiles, laughter and innocence in their words give me such joy!

Name a car you’d love to have.

Right now, 2 small kids and all their "toys" are becoming cramped in my car. I would like to have a mini-van. My husband and I have talked about test-driving a Honda Odessey after he graduates.

Describe your typical morning routine.

Wake up...Give youngest daughter her bottle...Wash hair...Towel dry hair, add "stuff" to hair and let air dry for a little breakfast (usually Bran Flakes and toast) and check internet...Dry hair...Get dressed...Fix older daughter breakfast (she has to eat it in the car on the days I work)...Load car...Put youngest daughter in car...Wake oldest daughter...Take oldest daughter to the potty...Put oldest daughter in car with breakfast and milk...Leave house at 6:30 to be at babysitter by 7:30 and work by 8:00. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it!:)

Main Course:
Have you ever emailed someone famous? If so, who, and what did you say to them? Did they reply?

No, I just e-mail people I know.

Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones?

I don't listen to podcasts. I would love to though. I just listen to music with my IPOD.

See more Friday Feasts here .

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May 17, 2007

It's Only Pneumonia!

I have sick children! I took them both to the doctor on Monday because they both had EXCESSIVE snot and were both coughing up lots of mucous. The doctor gave them both a decongestant and cough syrup. Monday night, my oldest daughter started running fever, throwing up and having diarrhea (don't you just love hearing about that?). :) This morning, she woke up with 101.5 degree temperature so I took her back to the doctor. Turns out that she has an ear infection in her right ear and the beginnings of pneumonia. Needless to say, she was not a happy camper at the doctor's office. She had blood drawn, a chest x-ray and a shot in her leg all in one visit!

I hate to see her feeling so bad. I will be spending the next few days nursing her back to health as much as possible. The nurse practitioner at the pediatrician's office was very concerned about her staying hydrated. So far today, she has not been drinking much. Please help me pray that she begins to drink more. The last thing I want is for her to be hospitalized for dehydration. Thanks so much, my dear blogging friends!!

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May 16, 2007

Cute Cartoons

I saw these on a couple of sites and thought I would share a laugh with you!!

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May 15, 2007

Sweet Times

We spent a night at my MIL's house recently because my husband and I both had to work there the next day. My husband has to leave very early to go to work and usually doesn't get to talk to the girls before he leaves. However, as he was opening the door to leave that morning, he woke our oldest daughter up. She opened her eyes and said, "Where you was a going?" (Of course, before we said anything, we had to laugh at her use of semantics.)

My husband and I laid down in the bed with her and explained to her that Daddy had to go to work at the hospital. After talking, she was so tired that she had to close her eyes. I watched as my husband stared at her with an unbelievable amount of love in his eyes. I sat there and thought to myself how sweet it was to watch him, at that moment, be absolutely in love with her.

I'm so thankful to have a husband that is not only head over heels in love with me, but with our precious girls as well!

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May 14, 2007

Weekend Reflection

I'm late on my Weekend Reflection this time. I've been out of town all weekend and haven't been near a computer--I felt lost!! Here it is:
  • Monday--The weather was BEAUTIFUL so the girls and I spent the day mainly outside. We enjoyed swinging, playing in the sandbox and in the swimming pool. The water was freezing but my oldest had so much fun anyway.
  • Tuesday--Work day! We took a co-worker out to lunch as it was her last day. After work, we had a wedding shower for another speech therapist I work with. She loved the cookbook I made her and that made me happy!
  • Wednesday--Work day again! We stayed at my MIL's house and went to church at our home church. I got to see my dear friends Coach Jenny and JennaG .
  • Thursday--Work day yet again! We took my boss out to lunch for her birthday.
  • Friday--Spent most of the day with my girls. My sweet husband kept the girls for me for a few hours and told me to go get away by myself and watch a movie. He had seen "Spiderman" earlier in the week and recommended it to me. It was actually quite good. I really appreciated the time by myself. It does me a lot of good to have "me" time every now and then!
  • Saturday--We're headed to our hometown to spend the night at my MIL's house for Mother's Day.
  • Sunday--UPDATE: WRITTEN MONDAY--Turns out, after we got to my MIL's house, both of my girls got really sick and we weren't able to go to our home church for Mother's Day. We actually spent the day at my MIL's house wiping snot from both of their noses and listening to them cough up some serious mucous all day and night. (I know that painted a pretty picture--sorry):)

**I actually had to stay at my MIL's house Sunday night to take both of them to the doctor this morning (Monday). We got some medicine so, hopefully, they are on the mend!!

I hope everyone else's week was wonderful. For more Weekend Reflections, visit Judi at Mommy of Two .

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May 12, 2007

7-8 Random Things Meme

I was tagged by Mom TuTu and Monkey Giggles for a meme. Some are saying that you have to list 7 things about yourself and some are saying 8. I'm going to go ahead and do 8 to cover them both! Here goes!!

  1. I LOVE Krispy Kreme doughnuts--really love them!!
  2. My favorite ice cream is Blue Bell Moolineum Crunch.
  3. I love to walk on my treadmill at night when everyone goes to sleep. It's outside in my garage right now. I open up the garage door and just enjoy looking outside while I am walking.
  4. I want to have more children. My husband and I have 2 daughters now. We've always said we wanted to have 4.
  5. I have naturally curly hair. When I was growing up, I would straighten it out because I didn't know how to control it. I finally found someone that could help me, and, ever since, I've loved my curly hair.
  6. I love living in the South!
  7. I will be married to the love of my life for 9 years on August 1st!
  8. My husband & I have been in school the entire time we have been married. There was one semester, when our oldest daughter was born, that neither one of us was in school. He's finishing his degree in December and we will be done....FOR GOOD!!!

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May 11, 2007

To Infinity and Beyond

I have tons of old Disney and other "family-friendly" VHS tapes. I decided to bring out some "oldies but goodies" for my children to watch. I figured it would be a nice break from Elmo's Potty Time, Barney and Doodlebops. My "oldest" fell in love with Toy Story. Sometimes, just for kicks, I'll ask her:

Mommy: "What does Buzz Lightyear say?"
Daughter: "He say to infinidy and b'yond" (Translation: To infinity and beyond)
Mommy: "What does Woody say?"
Daughter: "He say let's wangle da cows" (Translation: Let's wrangle the cows)

Makes me laugh everytime!!:)

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May 10, 2007


My oldest daughter has recently become addicted to the story, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". My mother got her interested in the story and actually bought her the book a couple of weekends ago. One of the things that my mother incorporated in the story is that "porridge" is "kind of like oatmeal". I thought this was a good way of explaining what porridge is. Of course, now, everything she talks about is "kind of like oatmeal". :)

Tonight, I was in her room, holding her in my lap and hugging her. All of the sudden, she heard my husband making noise in the living room. She asked, "What's Daddy doing"? I told her that he was locking the doors. She looked at me, with a very serious face, and asked, "Locking the doors like Goldilocks"?

It took me a minute to put together what she was saying. I finally realized that she was associating "lock" (as in locking doors) with "lock" (as in Goldilocks). We got tickled at her and just had to laugh.

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Sharing Recipes

I mentioned that I made a recipe book for a colleague at work who is getting married. I thought I would share some of the recipes that my co-workers and I contributed.

Hot Chicken Salad
2 cups toasted croutons
2 cups chicken (canned or boiled)
1 1/2 cups shredded cheese
1/4 cup slivered almonds
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup cream of chicken
1/2 tsp. salt
Combine 1/2 croutons and other ingredients. Put in baking dish and cover with remaining croutons. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes.

Baked Beans (This is actually my recipe)
2 large cans Bush's Original Baked Beans
1/3 cup ketchup
1 tsp. mustard
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 can pineapple chunks with some juice
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 onion, chopped
2 pkgs. smoked sausage
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Brown smoked sausage. Combine all ingredients and cook for 35-40 minutes until heated through.

I will share more in the days to come. Hope you enjoy!!

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May 7, 2007

Pictures From the Weekend

We went to my grandparents house to celebrate my dad's birthday!! Here he is holding up his present--an IPOD nano with docking station!!

Here is Grandpa getting lots of help blowing out his candles from my oldest daughter!

My oldest daughter thinks birthday cake is one of the major food groups!! Hey, I'm not arguing with that!!

Yes, my youngest daughter agrees. Chocolate icing is DEFINETLY one of the major food groups!

While we were there, I gave my mom her Mother's Day presents. She collects cookbooks (especially ones that have history behind them). I gave her two cookbooks that provide history of the small town to which they are moving to this month.

This is my youngest daughter with her great-grandfather (my paternal grandfather). It's so precious to watch him with my girls!

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May 6, 2007

Weekend Reflection

I've had a great week. It's been predictable with work but also blessed with travel and time with family.

  • Monday--I stayed home with my girls and did a ton of laundry. This tends to be an all day affair at my house.

  • Tuesday--Work day!! My girls and I stayed at my MIL's house to avoid traveling all 3 days.

  • Wednesday--Work day!! At lunch, I went to buy a wedding present for a colleague. She's not a very good cook, so I decided to go to Hallmark and buy her a recipe book. I've given recipe cards to everyone at work to fill out and fill her recipe book. I thought this would make it a little more personal to have recipes from everyone she works with. I've gotten great recipes so far. I think it will be a great gift. I will share some of the recipes from it later.

  • Thursday--Work day!! I had a haircut appt. at lunch. I missed my last appt. when my car wouldn't start and she couldn't fit me in her schedule again until now. Is she busy or what? I just so happen to use the same stylist as JennaG and CoachJ . Everyone at work was taking a student of ours out to eat Mexican because it was her last day, but I had to miss it to get my hair cut. My hair was looking something like this:

  • Friday--The girls and I woke up, I packed us and we left for my grandparents' house. My husband didn't get to go because he had to work. I took my MIL, niece and nephew with me. After my parents got there, we had a birthday party for my dad. We partied all weekend finishing off 2 cakes and homemade strawberry ice cream. We all enjoyed riding four wheelers, fishing and spending time together.

Things I'm Thankful for This Week:

  1. I'm thankful that I got my friend's wedding present bought and it is turning out to be really nice.
  2. I'm thankful I got my hair cut and I don't look like I'm wearing some kind of bush on my head. :)
  3. I'm thankful we had such a great time at my grandparent's house and that my dad had a great birthday!!

To see more Weekend Reflections, visit Judi at Mommy of Two .

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Blog Design Give-Away

Go visit Everyday Mommy and sign up for a new blog design!! Or don't...I would love to have it! :)

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May 4, 2007

Small Blogging Break

I will be taking a small blogging break for a few days as we are heading out of town. We are traveling to my grandparent's house to celebrate my dad's birthday. We will, hopefully, enjoy a weekend of fishing, riding four wheelers and just hanging out enjoying each other's company and the wonderful weather God is giving us. I will be back sometime Sunday night! I hope everyone has a blessed weekend!!

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