May 31, 2007

I Am Elinor~ Who Are You?

:: E L I N O R ::

You are Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! You are practical, circumspect, and discreet. Though you are tremendously sensible and allow your head to rule, you have a deep, emotional side that few people often see.

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Find out what Jane Austen heroine you are!

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Jenny said...

I think we were just talking about this...hmmm...I'll have to go see who I am; and I probably won't know her!

jenny said...

I had to go take the test----I'm Elinor Dashwood, too. I haven't read Sense and Sensibility yet, so maybe I'll get to it this summer. :-)

Robin Green said...

I did this a while back--I was Elinor too!

Sonya said...

I am Elinor Dashwood too!