1. I lived in Hernando, MS for 8 years. If you don't know, this is just south of Memphis. This is where I lived before I moved away to college. I went to a small, Christian school called Southern Baptist Educational Center (SBEC). I switched to this school in 10th grade. It was the best thing that could have happened for me. It was a much smaller student-teacher ratio and all of my teachers were believers that not only cared about my grades, but also my relationship with God. It is a WONDERFUL school!!
2. I met my husband when I was 17 at a church camp. He was 21 at the time. He was working as a LPN on the weekends at a nursing home while pursuing his Associates Degree in Nursing during the week. I was about to begin my Senior year in high school. I somehow chose to go to the same college that he attended after I graduated (Imagine that!:). We got married after my freshman year of college. He finished his RN degree in May began working in the Critical Care Unit in June and we married in August! I love him more now than I ever have.
3. There are many things I want to learn to do one day: cake decorating, sewing, play piano (I play a little now from taking lessons as a child). I don't feel that I have the time to do these things right now. I'm hoping I will have more time to accomplish these after my husband graduates school and we move back home.
4. I eat most food plain. I don't like lettuce, tomatoes, onion, pickle or mayo on my hamburgers. I only eat ketchup, mustard and cheese. However, I do eat lettuce in salads, but not much else. I only like lettuce, cheese, croutons and salad dressing on my salads. What can I say? I'm a plain kind of girl!:)
5. I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy. I had to get my blood drawn once a week and had to follow a strict diet. By the end of my pregnancy, I was drinking about 200 ounces of fluid a day due to the extreme thirst that comes with diabetes. My daughter ended up weighing 9 pounds at delivery (which was actually 2 weeks before her due date). I have an increased chance of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life after having gestational diabetes. Since then, I have quit drinking anything with sugar in it.
6. I am a speech therapist at the local hospital in our hometown. I do both outpatient and inpatient therapy. I work with both children and adults who are experiencing many different difficulties. I work with children to develop their speech sounds as well as language development. I work with adults who have had strokes, traumatic brain injuries, neurological disease (Parkinson's, etc.). I also work with individuals who are experiencing difficulty swallowing due to different reasons.
7. My husband and I love to travel. We haven't gotten to travel too far off due to being in school the entire time we've been married (9 years--but we'll be done for good in December). We've been to Ashville, NC, Savannah, GA, Orlando, FL and Gatlinburg, TN. My husband has been to Colorado before we got married. I went to the Bahamas on my Senior trip in high school. We really want to go to Hawaii, Colorado (together), and the Grand Canyon.
Everyone that I know in the blogosphere has already been tagged. If you haven't been tagged and you participate, please let me know. I would love to read it!!
Oh, good! You learn to decorate cakes, and when we're old, we'll sit around and eat all the leftover icing while you drink a diet coke and I'll drink DP and we'll both be overweight together. NOT!!! :)
Loved reading this! :o) I don't blame you for staying away from the sugars now. Some things just aren't worth it when you have a history of G.D. ~ smart woman, you are!
I'm sure that some vanilla Blue bell would make my favorite dessert that much better! I agree that those with diabetes or those who are at risk would need to drink diet drinks--how boring would water be all the time? Great list. You are such the interesting lady!
This was great, Mandalyn! I didn't realize you were from Hernando. :)
We went to Savannah last fall and are going to Gatlinburg again, next month. Pretty soon, we will exhaust all of the places in the South we want to go to. We also want to travel to Hawaii and the Grand Canyon sooner or later. And a couple of dozen other places too! I want to see all 50 states!
Have a great day :)
I want to take a sewing class too!
And cake decorating! It was fun to read your answers!
Fun list Mandalyn...
I eat my burgers like you, but mayo, ketchup.
One of my favorite people at the children's hospital after Iz's accident was the speech therapist. She became my friend and I took Izzy back to her after we came home from Dallas. She was encouraging about feeding her when others told us not to. She was a big encourager and I think she is one reason why Izzy got her g-tube out so soon. (I mainly attribute this to God~her healer.)
My mom sews and decorates cakes... she also does floral arranging and just about anything else you can imagine including baking wonderful bread... It's nice to have her a block away.
It was fun to learn more about you.
I've been to a few basketball games at SBEC, probably like 10+ years ago though! And one of the coaches that was at our school for a couple of years came from that school too.
Love to travel too!
Fun to read more about you!
I am a plain girl too! When I was a child, my dad used to get so frustrated becuase I wanted everything plain. We always had to wait at restaurants and/or they would mess up my order and I wouldn't eat my food. My dad would just say "wipe it off," but you can't! Restaurants do much better with this than they used to!
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