May 17, 2007

It's Only Pneumonia!

I have sick children! I took them both to the doctor on Monday because they both had EXCESSIVE snot and were both coughing up lots of mucous. The doctor gave them both a decongestant and cough syrup. Monday night, my oldest daughter started running fever, throwing up and having diarrhea (don't you just love hearing about that?). :) This morning, she woke up with 101.5 degree temperature so I took her back to the doctor. Turns out that she has an ear infection in her right ear and the beginnings of pneumonia. Needless to say, she was not a happy camper at the doctor's office. She had blood drawn, a chest x-ray and a shot in her leg all in one visit!

I hate to see her feeling so bad. I will be spending the next few days nursing her back to health as much as possible. The nurse practitioner at the pediatrician's office was very concerned about her staying hydrated. So far today, she has not been drinking much. Please help me pray that she begins to drink more. The last thing I want is for her to be hospitalized for dehydration. Thanks so much, my dear blogging friends!!

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Annie said...

I'm praying for her as soon as I finish typing this comment.
I'm sorry you have had a rough week and hope she is well very soon.

gail@more than a song said...

I hope she gets better soon, both of the's no fun having sick children!

Monkey Giggles said...

Lifting your little one up in pray. I will be praying for you too.

Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

Pray she gets well soon! I hate it when they're sick!

Anonymous said...

I hope she will feel better soon!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

I hope they both get to feeling a lot better soon, and mom too. Nursing work is hard work :) Hang in there, and get her to drink some more liquids. Maybe popsicles or something fun?

Robin Green said...

So sorry. ((Hugs)) I hate for those precious babies to be so sick.

Anonymous said...

Oh No! Poor little thing. I'm so sorry. I hope she feels better soon!!