May 18, 2007

Friday's Feast

I love blog parties and was looking for a couple more to get involved with. I enjoyed this one.

List 3 emotions you experienced this week.

--Both my children started getting sick last weekend. We found out yesterday that my oldest has an ear infection in the right ear and the beginnings of pneumonia. My husband is now running fever and feeling bad as well.

--I feel peace/comfort when I think about how the Lord is always taking care of us. I look back over stressful times in our lives and am so amazed at how the Lord intervenes in His time and brings "calm to the storm".

Happiness and Contentment
--I look at my girls and wonder what I was truly living for (other than my Savior and wonderful husband) before they came. Their smiles, laughter and innocence in their words give me such joy!

Name a car you’d love to have.

Right now, 2 small kids and all their "toys" are becoming cramped in my car. I would like to have a mini-van. My husband and I have talked about test-driving a Honda Odessey after he graduates.

Describe your typical morning routine.

Wake up...Give youngest daughter her bottle...Wash hair...Towel dry hair, add "stuff" to hair and let air dry for a little breakfast (usually Bran Flakes and toast) and check internet...Dry hair...Get dressed...Fix older daughter breakfast (she has to eat it in the car on the days I work)...Load car...Put youngest daughter in car...Wake oldest daughter...Take oldest daughter to the potty...Put oldest daughter in car with breakfast and milk...Leave house at 6:30 to be at babysitter by 7:30 and work by 8:00. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it!:)

Main Course:
Have you ever emailed someone famous? If so, who, and what did you say to them? Did they reply?

No, I just e-mail people I know.

Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones?

I don't listen to podcasts. I would love to though. I just listen to music with my IPOD.

See more Friday Feasts here .

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Annie said...

Your morning sounds more hectic than mine!
I hope everyone is feeling better today!

Anonymous said...

Whew, what a morning! I remember when my days used to be like that ... before I started homeschooling.

I hope everyone starts feeling better soon!!

JHS said...

Your daughters are beautiful. They could be models.

Your morning makes me exhausted just reading about it.

My feast is served! Come on by!

Anonymous said...

Your morning wore me out. :)