Below is my first official post dated March 24, 2007. I started blogging after a lonely time in my life. We had moved away from all family and friends for my husband to pursue higher education. During this time, my friend,
JennaG, gave me a book by Lisa Welchel called
Taking Care of the Me in Mommy. One thing she recommended to moms needing to connect with other moms was to blog. So, I decided to try it and have loved every minute of it!
This is my first official post. I'm a little nervous because sharing information about my personal thoughts and ideas take my out of my comfort zone. However, the Lord is doing wonderful things in my life and they need to be shared. In the last two years of our life, the Lord has moved my husband and I to a different city away from our wonderful church and friends that we loved so dearly. My husband decided to pursue higher education and, although, we would be able to move back to our hometown, I was bitter for being transplanted. He graduates in December and since we have moved, the Lord has taught us so much about faith and waiting. He has taught us this in a couple of areas. Obviously, with my husband in school and my working part-time, we have learned to have faith and wait for the Lord to provide our basic needs. (We have never gone without anything we need--maybe some wants--but I am learning that I can be perfectly happy and fulfilled without the some of the wants I used to think were needs.)
Another avenue we have learned faith and waiting is through our oldest daughter. She was born with a nasal tip hemangioma. It's a collection of abnormal blood vessels that grows alarmingly fast. By the time she was 9 months old, the end of her nose looked like a perfectly shaped, red ball. (I've attached a picture at the bottom.) Being the protective mother that I am, I wanted (there are those wants again) and prayed that the Lord would remove it immediately. However, she just turned two and we just returned from Little Rock, AR for another laser treatment. A year ago, we had the hemangioma removed but the red color was embedded in her skin. So, now we return every 4-6 months for a color corrective laser treatment. To this day, she has never noticed a difference in her nose and others. It was my own worries that hindered my faith. The Lord has shown himself faithful through the whole process.
I was reading a Focus On The Family magazine and read a question that someone asked Dr. Dobson. It read, "I've often heard that God will not abandon us when we go through the fiery trial. But I don't understand what that really means. What can we expect from Him in the stressful moments?" Dr. Dobson answered, "I may lack the words to describe what occurs to the faithful in times of personal crisis. Let it be said, simply, that there is often a quiet awareness in the midst of chaos that the Lord is there, and He is still in control."This is what I have been learning. Be still and now that in the midst of difficult times, the Lord is there and in control.