August 26, 2007

Weekend Reflection - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

I had meant to post my Weekend Reflection yesterday but the whole poop situation gave me alternative posting material! Despite the poop incident, we've had a great week!

  • Monday--I stayed home with the girls today. This day is usually spent packing diaper bags, suitcases, etc. for our upcoming days when I work and we stay with my parents.
  • Tuesday--Work day!
  • Wednesday--Work day and church day! I let my parents take my oldest to church. I stayed home with my youngest because I wasn't feeling well.
  • Thursday--Work day! I went to a neat little scrapbooking store in our hometown where I ordered my youngest's birthday party invitations. She will be "1" on September 26th. She's being dedicated on September 8th and we're going to have her party after church that morning.
  • Friday--Stayed home with the girls for most of the day. Some of my husband's family from Louisiana came to my MIL's so we went and ate dinner with them!
  • Saturday and Sunday--Spending time with family and going to church!

3 Things I'm Thankful for This Week:

1. Family that we haven't seen in a while coming to town!

2. My wonderful husband--He's such a blessing to me!

3. Family, friends, our church, blogging buddies!

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Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had such a nice week. I hope this one will be just a good!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great week to me

Jenny said...

glad you had a good week-even with all that pooping! :)

Robin Green said...

The whole poop thing was a little on the disgusting side. We have some pretty gross poop stories around here too. Glad you had a good week. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend--oh, and maybe tomorrow?

Rochelle said...

Sounds like you had a great week! Especially after the poop thing... lol!

Praise and Coffee said...

What wonderful blessings to be thankful for!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are blessed.


gail@more than a song said...

I'm a little behind and trying to catch up, oops on the whole poop thing! Hope this week is going good!

Mom Tu-Tu said...

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I awarded you with the Nice Matters Award over at my blog.

Annie said...

I tagged you.