August 6, 2007

Lessons Learned

We've tried to teach our oldest good manners. When it comes to passing gas, I've tried to teach her to do it privately, but if needed, say "Excuse me".

Tonight, my husband and I were putting her to bed. My husband left to brush his teeth, and, had obviously (by smell), passed gas before leaving her room. After he left, my daughter looked at me and said, "Excuse Daddy".

To which I said, "Yes, excuse Daddy". **Smile and giggle**

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Jenny said...

That is hilarious!! And so good that she's learned that lesson early in life. ;)

Jenny said...

Do you realize that "gas" is so wrapped around everything her daddy does??? he,he! This gets funnier and funnier the more I think about it!

Anonymous said...

LOL, kids, they don't miss a beat, do they?!

Jessica said...

Very funny!!! :)

Anonymous said...

So funny!

Robin Green said...

Agreeing with Coach J

Anonymous said...

That's funny.

Have you ever experience the time when, while driving, you pass through a place that stinks -- perhaps by burned rubber or overflowing septic tanks?

During those times, my 4-year old would tell me, "Daddy, say excuse me. I know you farted."



Rochelle said...

Oh that is TOO funny! LOL! My 7-year-old does NOT believe it if a smell comes from outside the car. She says, "Who did THAT!?"

Corrie said...

So cute!

What a cool surprise from your hubs for anniversary too!!! It looks like a beautiful place!

Dena said...

Hahahahah- Your husband is going to LOVE that but at least he did reaffirm why it should be in private!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Too funny! With a house full of men, I feel your pain..:)

Annie said...

another bloggy award, come see!
My Life as Annie!