August 5, 2007

"The Secret"

I was surprised Friday when I was whisked away by my husband for a anniversary trip! I just thought we were going to dinner and a movie, but, unknown to me, he had packed our suitcase to take me to a bed and breakfast that we stayed at for our first anniversary. He even booked the same room we stayed in 8 years ago. It is called "The Secret Bed & Breakfast" and is located in Leeseburg, AL. We had the best time and came back feeling so refreshed!!

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Anonymous said...

WOW....wishing now that the hubs would read your blog and take a hint!! Hope you really enjoyed a LOVEly time together :)

Robin Green said...

jealous over here--with no family around, that kind of stuff has never really been possible for us. Maybe now that the kids are older...

Anonymous said...

Awww! Awww! Awww! How sweet and romantic!!!

Julie said...

How sweet. Happy Anniversary!

Praise and Coffee said...

How wonderful!
I just came back from a week in Tennessee- it's hot down there!!


Jenny said...

I'm glad he whisked you away! And I can't wait to hear about it in person!!

Anonymous said...

How awesome!

Robin Green said...

What I meant to say was, I'm so glad you two were able to have a little romantic getaway--I think that is absolutely awesome!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Oh wow, you lucky girl! That's so sweet and that looks like a great place! I bet you guys had a wonderful anniversary trip :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! I am so impressed! Perhaps your hubby could start a training class for romantically challenged husbands! :)

Karen Hossink said...

Ohhhh! Tomorrow is my anniversary. I wonder if my hubby is planning a secret get-away for me!? Nah, things are too crazy around here to get away...
So glad you had a great time!

gail@more than a song said...

He did good! Looks really nice, glad y'all got to get away.

Jessica said...

WOW!! I think I need my husband to read this, soooo jealous! Happy Anniversary - looks WONDERFUL!

Annie said...

How wonderful!
Your husband sounds very special.
What a fun surprise.