- Monday--I stayed at home with my girls and enjoyed their company.
- Tuesday--Work day! After work, a friend that I work with and I had a girls' night out. We went to eat and then to see Hairspray. We had a great time. It was nice to get to know her better. We said we were going to make that a monthly thing and I really hope we do!
- Wednesday--Work day! I was so tired after work that I stayed home with my youngest and let my parents go to church with my oldest. I hate for my oldest to miss her "big girl class". She always comes out telling me what she's learned. Lately, she's been learning "God helped Joshua and God helps me". I'm amazed at what she soaking in even at her young age.
- Thursday--Work day! My husband took his final today and made an "A" on his test and an "A" for his overall grade! I'm so proud of him!
- Friday--This was the day my youngest started running fever. I had planned on keeping the girls home but we decided to come to our hometown to take her to the pediatrician. They closed at lunch so we weren't able to get in. We decided to stay at my parents' house anyway because we had been invited by JennaG and her husband for dinner and games Saturday night.
- Saturday--We hung out at my parents' house until going to JennaG's house with Jenny and her husband to play farkle and eat Pioneer Woman's lasagna. It was so much fun and the lasagna was absolutely wonderful!!
- Sunday--I'm at home with my youngest just trying to keep her fever down until we can take her to the pediatrician in the morning. My husband and my oldest daughter went to church. I just laid my baby down for a nap (which she did not appreciate at all.) :) Honestly, I'm kinda enjoying the quiet time right now.
3 Things I'm Thankful for This Week:
1. Wonderful friends that the Lord has given us to fellowship with!
2. Great family that is such a blessing to us!
3. Salvation--The Lord is so good to me!
I hope everyone else had a great week and is enjoying the Lord's day!!
The game night sounds fun, fun! I think it's really neat that you, JennaG, and Jenny all live close and can get together like this!
There's been something going around with the young kids in our area. We've had several children at church running a high fever. It's been really strange but they stay sick for several days and have to take antibiotics. I'll say a prayer for you guys and hope that your daughter will be feeling better sooN!
I hope your little one feels better! It is helpless feeling watching our kids feel poorly. I just said a prayer for both of you!
Glad to hear that PW lasagna was good, it's on my menu this week. Sounds delish! I so wish I could have been there with you guys! Sounds like a blast.
I loved hairspray too.
Prayers for your sweet baby!
Awww, I sure hope she feels betetr!!
I hope your little one gets better soon. I will keep her in my prayers. Its always so sad when our babies are sick.
Hope the little one is feeling better! I am going to try that lasagna this week. By the way, thanks for your advice via email!
Hope your little one starts feeling better soon!!! That is never fun, poor baby!
I sure hope the baby is better today--be sure and let us know what the doctor says. We had a blast Sat. night as well. The added bonus was that after you guys left, I had nothing to do but go to bed. I just love my teenager. We'll get together and play Farkle again.
Sat night was sooooo fun!! Can't wait to do it all again with everybody!
I hope the little girl is better by today. I sure have been thinking about both of you!
Saw your mom at the hair place today. Got a momma hug! :)
I want to see Hairspray!
Been hearing about that lasagna from your other girl's blogs, sounds good!
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