August 17, 2007

Quirk Factor

I saw that Jenny did one of these and thought I would do a test of my own. I guess I'm just a LITTLE quirky.

Your Quirk Factor: 34%

You have a few little quirks, but you generally blend in well with society.
Only those who know you well know how weird you can be.

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Annie said...

Mine was 25%
You have a few little quirks, but you generally blend in well with society.
Only those who know you well know how weird you can be.

HMMMM... that's probably pretty accurate :o)

Rochelle said...

Mine was 25%
You have a few little quirks, but you generally blend in well with society.
Only those who know you well know how weird you can be.

And like Annie, I think it's pretty accurate too!

Monkey Giggles said...

I was higher than any of you...yikes. Nothing new to me. I have been told a time or two that I was quirky. That was fun...just confirms..hehe Thanks for sharing.

Sonya said...

Oh, I'm afraid to take this one! It will probably be really high!

Jenny said...

I was 27% quirky, and since you know me well, you know them all! But, shhhhh!, don't tell anyone--let me do it! :)
Enjoyed last night, you late owl, you! Ha!! We'll do it again when we can get together earlier in the evening! :)

gail@more than a song said...

I was afraid mine would be high but it was in the range of what most every one has put, 27 or so. Maybe we all have little quirks!

Anonymous said...

I was only 29% ... yay, lol