August 25, 2007

HELP--I Wasn't Prepared for This!

This may be the grossest post I ever write. If you have a weak stomach, I suggest you run away....quickly. Let me start by saying that I love my children and I love being a mom. However, there are some things that I don't handle well....and this is one of them. Remember, I warned you! Proceed with caution and don't blame me if you hurl in your bowl of cereal!

I laid my youngest down for a nap and, being the scatter brain that I am, forgot to put any clothes on her except for her diaper. If you have children, you already know where I'm going with this.

When I went in to get her, IT was all over everything!
It was all over her bed, sheets, blankets, teddy bear, fluffy pink elephant, etc.
Yes, it was all over her face... (including in her nose)

All over her feet...

All over her hands...

And, my favorite, all in her hair...but I'll save you a picture of that!

Perhaps she looks so distraught because I screamed, "*YOUNGEST*, YOU HAVE POOPED AND GOTTEN IT EVERYWHERE!"

Perhaps she looked so distraught because I scrubbed with such intensity!

Perhaps she looked so distraught because I washed her hair THREE times!

Perhaps she looked so distraught because I made her sit there until I could empty out the poop water and fill it up with clean water so that I could bathe and rinse her off again!

Perhaps she looked so distraught because I kept saying, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GOT POOP EVERYWHERE!"

Or, perhaps she was so distraught because I kept taking pictures during the whole thing!

So, after the initial shock and intensified bathing, I got this...

And I tried to tackle this...

And this...

Oh, in case you're wondering, I'm ok now. I cleaned the poop, resolved my frustration by taking some deep breaths and am continuing to have a great weekend!

And my youngest is ok, too!

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Anonymous said...

Eep! Nevre saw such a messy babe! O.O

God bless,

Anonymous said...

yucky i feel for you cleaning that one up.
god bless,

Monkey Giggles said...

oh my!!!! Great pictures!!! Try to have a happy weekend and don't forget those clothes.*wink*

Jenny said...

Oh, I feel for you!! I called dh in here to just look at her, and we laughed a bit, and sat here with our jaws on the floor. What did you feed that girl?!? And, I don't think clothes would have helped a thing, unless she pulled off her diaper and played with it. Yuck!! I'm so sorry you had to deal with this.
Ok, dh and I are rehashing this. Did you even put a diaper on her? Ha,ha,ha. I'm still feeling for ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! That's awful! I feel for ya! I would have been gagging my way through that mess! Poor you, LOL!!

Rochelle said...

LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!! Oh. My. LOL!! LOL!! I needed this laugh. Sorry it is at your expense! Thanks for sharing! You deserve some sort of mommy award for this one!

Sharon said...

Well, you gotta have atleast one of these types of moments, so maybe this will be it, and no more? :0)

cnydalynn said...

Jenna left me a message and said I needed to visit your site... I have gestational diabetes and I have 9 more weeks until my due date. Yea.

Thia post made me laugh and cry... I am excited about having a new little person in our home to complete our family a little more... but poop everywhere!!! Ummm - yea I am not so excited! But it will be fun and funny I know. Thanks for the laugh and I am sending you some sympathy too. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my! She did an excellent job with that, didn't she? I can't imagine cleaning all that up, but you were so smart to take pics. Now you can bring them back to haunt her later!

Sonya said...

Love the pictures, the poop, not so much :-o) LOL! I love that you took step by step photos! I think I would have been laying in a corner somewhere wishing the poop would just disappear!