August 15, 2007

Toddler Talk

A few comments from my oldest over the last couple of days:

Oldest: "Daddy, I'm sorry!" (apologizing for hitting someone)
Daddy: "Why are you sorry?"
Oldest: "Because I don't want to sit in time out!"


We were laying in the bed and she put her hands on me and started rocking me back and forth.

Mommy: "What are you doing?"
Oldest: "I'm rocking you to sleep because you're so tasty."

Ok, I'm not sure what that means.


Oldest: "Mommy, what are you doing?"
Mommy: "I'm taking *youngest's* temperature." (rectal temperature)
Oldest: " Do me!" (she says as she pulls her pants down, puts her head on the floor and bottom in the air)


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Annie said...

She is a little character huh?
How funny!

Jessica said...

LOL how funny!!!! The last one is hysterical!

Anonymous said...

Don't want to sit in time out? Perfect.

"Do want to go time out?" I asked my 4-year old recently.

"No," my 4-year old said.

"Are you a good boy?" I asked.

"Almost," he said.


Jenny said...

I love it! I still love that honesty she has. I don't want to sit in timeout, either! :)

Corrie said...

How sweet and funny! Hope your youngest gets her teeth soon! Poor baby!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. How funny! I loved the last one! She's the first kiddo I've heard of that didn't scream and go running when they saw the thermometer go there, LOL!!!

Robin Green said...

I like the honesty of that first one. She is just something. We love her. Oh--just noticed Jenny wrote the same thing. Great minds really do think alike!

gail@more than a song said...

"I don't want to sit in timeout"
I love that! I guess none of us want that.

Oldqueen44 said...

Kids sure can tickle your funny bone.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am cracking up now!

Sonya said...

My favorite is the "you're tasty" one! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

SO CUTE! I just love to hear what comes of out the mouths of little ones!