August 26, 2007

Weekend Reflection - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

I had meant to post my Weekend Reflection yesterday but the whole poop situation gave me alternative posting material! Despite the poop incident, we've had a great week!

  • Monday--I stayed home with the girls today. This day is usually spent packing diaper bags, suitcases, etc. for our upcoming days when I work and we stay with my parents.
  • Tuesday--Work day!
  • Wednesday--Work day and church day! I let my parents take my oldest to church. I stayed home with my youngest because I wasn't feeling well.
  • Thursday--Work day! I went to a neat little scrapbooking store in our hometown where I ordered my youngest's birthday party invitations. She will be "1" on September 26th. She's being dedicated on September 8th and we're going to have her party after church that morning.
  • Friday--Stayed home with the girls for most of the day. Some of my husband's family from Louisiana came to my MIL's so we went and ate dinner with them!
  • Saturday and Sunday--Spending time with family and going to church!

3 Things I'm Thankful for This Week:

1. Family that we haven't seen in a while coming to town!

2. My wonderful husband--He's such a blessing to me!

3. Family, friends, our church, blogging buddies!

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August 25, 2007

HELP--I Wasn't Prepared for This!

This may be the grossest post I ever write. If you have a weak stomach, I suggest you run away....quickly. Let me start by saying that I love my children and I love being a mom. However, there are some things that I don't handle well....and this is one of them. Remember, I warned you! Proceed with caution and don't blame me if you hurl in your bowl of cereal!

I laid my youngest down for a nap and, being the scatter brain that I am, forgot to put any clothes on her except for her diaper. If you have children, you already know where I'm going with this.

When I went in to get her, IT was all over everything!
It was all over her bed, sheets, blankets, teddy bear, fluffy pink elephant, etc.
Yes, it was all over her face... (including in her nose)

All over her feet...

All over her hands...

And, my favorite, all in her hair...but I'll save you a picture of that!

Perhaps she looks so distraught because I screamed, "*YOUNGEST*, YOU HAVE POOPED AND GOTTEN IT EVERYWHERE!"

Perhaps she looked so distraught because I scrubbed with such intensity!

Perhaps she looked so distraught because I washed her hair THREE times!

Perhaps she looked so distraught because I made her sit there until I could empty out the poop water and fill it up with clean water so that I could bathe and rinse her off again!

Perhaps she looked so distraught because I kept saying, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GOT POOP EVERYWHERE!"

Or, perhaps she was so distraught because I kept taking pictures during the whole thing!

So, after the initial shock and intensified bathing, I got this...

And I tried to tackle this...

And this...

Oh, in case you're wondering, I'm ok now. I cleaned the poop, resolved my frustration by taking some deep breaths and am continuing to have a great weekend!

And my youngest is ok, too!

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August 24, 2007

Just This and That - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Well, this has been a busy week. I'll leave the details for my Weekend Reflection that I'll post tomorrow. Because we usually stay at my parents house on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I don't get to blog during the middle of the week. Most of blogging is done Friday-Monday (my off days). My husband started back to school and this will be his last semester (YIPEEEEEE)! He just bound his 17 page research paper so that is a relief to him. All that's left is clinicals, a class or two and taking boards. I'm so proud of him! He sure has worked hard!

September is going to be a birthday and dedication month for us. My husband's birthday is on the 15th (He shares the same birthday as my dear friend, Jenna ). My youngest daughter will be turning "1" on September 26th. We're having her dedicated on September 16th. I'll post pictures of all of this when it happens!

Tonight, we're traveling to our hometown because some of my husband's family from Louisiana is coming into town and we're meeting at my MIL's house for dinner. It will be nice to see them.

Until next time....

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August 18, 2007

Weekend Reflection

I hope everyone had a great week! Ours has been busy but blessed!

--Monday-I worked most of the day Monday for another speech therapist who wanted off to take her little boy to his first day of Kindergarten.

--Tuesday-Another work day! Today was birthday lunch at work. The theme was Italian. I made bruschetta with Italian bread! I was really pleased with it! It was really good. I will post the recipe on my cooking
blog this weekend for those who might want to try it.

--Wednesday-Work day again! Today, during lunch, we had staff meeting. These are usually short and harmless!:) After work, we went to church, which is always a blessing to me!

--Thursday-Last work day of the week! Thank goodness! I like my job but am always glad when my work week ends! My mom and I fixed Poppyseed Chicken Casserole and it was delicious! I suppose I should post that recipe on my food blog as well!:)

--Friday-I was still at my parents' house so I got to sleep in a little bit this day! My husband came over after work and we went to Jenny's house to play farkle with their family and Jenna's family! It was sooo much fun!

--Saturday-After staying out so late, I slept in until 10:00 am! My husband and I came home with the girls and are planning on having family time for the next couple of days!!

3 Things I'm Thankful for This Week:

--Family-Our family helps us so much right now while my husband is in school! We are truly blessed with a wonderful family!

--Friends-I love getting together with friends and the Lord has blessed us with great friends! I'm also thankful for my blogging buddies!:)

--Health-We are all well and very rarely experience serious illness! I thank the Lord that my youngest daughter's fever has stayed down over the last couple of days in the midst of some serious teething woes!!

For more Weekend Reflections, visit Judi at Mommy of Two.

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Farkle, Farkle and More Farkle

We've had the best time playing farkle with our friends D. and Jenny and B. and Jenna. Last night, Jenny and Jenna's family went to a football game and, afterwards, we all got together to play farkle. We didn't even get to Jenny's house until 10:30 pm. Jenna's first comment as she walked in the door was, "I'm too old for this!" :) Personally, I always feel too old to do anything after 9:00 pm. Nonetheless, we had the best time. My plan was to sweep the games and declare them all losers but it didn't work out that way. My husband, Jenna and Jenny's son, T., won the games!

Of course, we had great food as well. Jenny made a dirt cake (minus the worms and bucket you see in the picture), Jenna brought chips, dip and cookies and my husband made hot corn dip.

We didn't get in the bed until 1:30 this morning. I woke up wishing I had taken my camera so I could share pictures with you! I'll do better next time! I promise!

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August 17, 2007

Quirk Factor

I saw that Jenny did one of these and thought I would do a test of my own. I guess I'm just a LITTLE quirky.

Your Quirk Factor: 34%

You have a few little quirks, but you generally blend in well with society.
Only those who know you well know how weird you can be.

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August 15, 2007

Toddler Talk

A few comments from my oldest over the last couple of days:

Oldest: "Daddy, I'm sorry!" (apologizing for hitting someone)
Daddy: "Why are you sorry?"
Oldest: "Because I don't want to sit in time out!"


We were laying in the bed and she put her hands on me and started rocking me back and forth.

Mommy: "What are you doing?"
Oldest: "I'm rocking you to sleep because you're so tasty."

Ok, I'm not sure what that means.


Oldest: "Mommy, what are you doing?"
Mommy: "I'm taking *youngest's* temperature." (rectal temperature)
Oldest: " Do me!" (she says as she pulls her pants down, puts her head on the floor and bottom in the air)


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Teething Woes

My husband took my youngest daughter to the pediatrician and it was determined that the fever is coming from teething. I was under the wrong impression that teething caused low-grade fever but I was mistaken. Hers has jumped to 103.9 on Sunday, went away from Sunday afternoon to yesterday and shot back up today. We're just doing all we can to comfort her. Thanks to everyone for your prayers for her!

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August 12, 2007

Weekend Reflection

I should be at church this morning, but, instead, I'm home with my sick baby. My youngest has been running fever for 2 days. We thought it was just teething but this morning it rose to 103.9. Our pediatrician has asked us to meet him at his office at 7:30 in the morning. Until then, we're staying in. I figured I could at least catch up on my blogging while we're at home. This ought to make JennaG's husband happy as he just told me that I was "slacking" on my posting lately. :)

  • Monday--I stayed at home with my girls and enjoyed their company.
  • Tuesday--Work day! After work, a friend that I work with and I had a girls' night out. We went to eat and then to see Hairspray. We had a great time. It was nice to get to know her better. We said we were going to make that a monthly thing and I really hope we do!
  • Wednesday--Work day! I was so tired after work that I stayed home with my youngest and let my parents go to church with my oldest. I hate for my oldest to miss her "big girl class". She always comes out telling me what she's learned. Lately, she's been learning "God helped Joshua and God helps me". I'm amazed at what she soaking in even at her young age.
  • Thursday--Work day! My husband took his final today and made an "A" on his test and an "A" for his overall grade! I'm so proud of him!
  • Friday--This was the day my youngest started running fever. I had planned on keeping the girls home but we decided to come to our hometown to take her to the pediatrician. They closed at lunch so we weren't able to get in. We decided to stay at my parents' house anyway because we had been invited by JennaG and her husband for dinner and games Saturday night.
  • Saturday--We hung out at my parents' house until going to JennaG's house with Jenny and her husband to play farkle and eat Pioneer Woman's lasagna. It was so much fun and the lasagna was absolutely wonderful!!
  • Sunday--I'm at home with my youngest just trying to keep her fever down until we can take her to the pediatrician in the morning. My husband and my oldest daughter went to church. I just laid my baby down for a nap (which she did not appreciate at all.) :) Honestly, I'm kinda enjoying the quiet time right now.

3 Things I'm Thankful for This Week:

1. Wonderful friends that the Lord has given us to fellowship with!

2. Great family that is such a blessing to us!

3. Salvation--The Lord is so good to me!

I hope everyone else had a great week and is enjoying the Lord's day!!

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August 6, 2007

Lessons Learned

We've tried to teach our oldest good manners. When it comes to passing gas, I've tried to teach her to do it privately, but if needed, say "Excuse me".

Tonight, my husband and I were putting her to bed. My husband left to brush his teeth, and, had obviously (by smell), passed gas before leaving her room. After he left, my daughter looked at me and said, "Excuse Daddy".

To which I said, "Yes, excuse Daddy". **Smile and giggle**

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August 5, 2007

"The Secret"

I was surprised Friday when I was whisked away by my husband for a anniversary trip! I just thought we were going to dinner and a movie, but, unknown to me, he had packed our suitcase to take me to a bed and breakfast that we stayed at for our first anniversary. He even booked the same room we stayed in 8 years ago. It is called "The Secret Bed & Breakfast" and is located in Leeseburg, AL. We had the best time and came back feeling so refreshed!!

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August 1, 2007

Look What I Got Today!!

Today is our 9th anniversary! My sweet husband sent me these beautiful roses to work today! Nine years ago today, I married the most wonderful man in the world and I would do it all over again!

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