July 17, 2007

Putting Our Oldest to Bed

This is usually what happens when my husband puts our oldest daughter to bed! I love this picture!

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Sonya said...

LOL! I can't believe he didn't kill you for posting this! Cute pic!

Monkey Giggles said...

This cracks me up. My hubby would have me sleeping in the dog house. Your hubby must be a good sport!!!

gail@more than a song said...

I can't even begin to tell you how MANY times that's happened at our house too! Such a fun pic.

Robin Green said...

B used to do the same thing--still does on occasion. I think it's precious. B loved the jalopenos--I thought they were excellent too--I just couldn't eat much.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Oh how funny!! Does he know you posted this? If not, girl, you better run! LOL!!

Oldqueen44 said...

tvvsThat is really funny.

Annie said...

Adorable! I love sleeping pics so cute!

Jessica said...

Awwww how adorable!!! That is so cute!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

OHMYGOSH, that's just the cutest picture!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, when you were talking about your oldest, I thought you were referring to your husband.




Karen Hossink said...

This is great! We've had a similar thing happen nin our house. Where was my camera???

Anonymous said...

How cute! What a precious memory she will have!

Corrie said...

That's too cute. That happens around our house sometimes too! I'll have to get the camera out next time...usually I'm so tired that I don't think of it as being a photo worthy moment. CUTE!!!
Have a great day, Mandalyn. I love the new pictures of you with the girls in your sidebar too!

Sharon said...

How funny. I'm surprised he didn't wake up after you snapped the shot.

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I bet if you had told the 17 year old version of him that he would one day be sleeping on a pink and yellow flower pillow, he would have said , "No way!" Daddys and little girls are so special!

Julie said...

Oh my gosh that is so sweet. Great picture.