July 31, 2007

Happy Birthday To You (singing)!

I wanted to say a big "Happy Birthday" to my IRL and blogging friend, Jenny. I have known her for 8 years now and she has been the dearest friend!

I will be fussed at by both Jenny and Jenna for posting the top 2 pics but I just had to! :)

Go by and wish Jenny a wonderful day!!

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Corrie said...

What sweet pics. Looks like such a fun group!!

Robin Green said...

Excuse me?? I guess that in honor of our dear friend's birthday, I will let you get away with this! That was a fun trip, and we should really do that again.

Jenny said...

Yes, we should do that again, but NO MORE PICS OF ME IN MY BATHSUIT SUIT WITH MY LEGS UP!!!! Not a flattering position, who would've guessed it would be on a blog one day??!!
Thank you, dear friend, for the b'day wish. I just love it!! And I feel smaller just having dissed you for lunch! :( But, Thursday is a comin'!!

gail@more than a song said...

Fun pics! I just wished Jenny a happy birthday on her blog....that was sweet of you to do this post. I might woulda gotten you too if you posted a pic of me in a bathing suit, but, it's just about far enough away that you can't tell much if that helps them feel any better! And you're so young you haven't quite gotten there yet!
Y'all look like a fun group and like you have the best time together. Good friends are the best and such a gift from the Lord.

Kathy said...

Love the first pic! It is a great one of all of you - very fun.

Also, Happy Anniversary!! Jenny told me about it. My 15th is tomorrow too. The time goes by way too fast, yet everything just keeps getting better and better.

Anonymous said...

LOL, love the pics! y'all are too cute!

Robin Green said...

I visited your food blog--I'm so glad you are doing that--it will be great fun to reference. I hope that you have a wonderful anniversary tomorrow--wow, I remember when you had only been married 2 years and were sweet newlyweds. Now, you're a sweet old married couple just like the rest of us!!