March 26, 2007

My First Meme

I have been tagged by JennaG for this fun 3 Things Meme!

3 Things I am scared of:
1. Scary movies
2. Spiders
3. Snakes

3 People that Make me Laugh:
1. Ashton Kutcher
2. Tim Allen
3. My daughters

3 Things I Love:
1. My Family/Friends
2. Food
3. Vacations

3 Things I Hate:
1. Struggling with my weight (due to the food I love in the above list) :)
2. Being late
3. Window shopping

3 Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Mean people
2. Arrogance
3. Higher math

3 Things On My Desk:
1. clock
2. camera and docking station
3. a lot of papers that don't belong there

3 Things I am Doing Right Now:
1. relaxing from a day at work
2. eating supper (a bowl of Bran Flakes)
3. trying to get my baby to stop crying

3 Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Travel with my husband (by ourselves!)
2. Pay off our student loans
3. Watch my children grow up and have their families

3 Things I Can Do:
1. Cross-stitch
2. Play softball
3. Make myself burp

3 Things I Can’t Do:
1. Play guitar
2. Sew
3. Get rid of my stretch marks from carrying children

3 Things You Should Listen To:
1. Praise & Worship Music
2. Spouse
3. The Holy Spirit

3 Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. The devil
2. Know-it-alls
3. Negative comments

3 Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to decorate cakes
2. How to handle stress better
3. How to play piano better

3 Favorite Foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Fried Chicken
3. Pizza (Pepperoni)

3 Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. The A-Team
2. The Donna Reed Show
3. Mr. Ed

I had to think really hard to answer these! Thanks for the tag! I really enjoyed it!


Robin Green said...

I, truly, almost wrote higher mathematics--funny. We have almost the same favorite foods--you could have written Moolenium Crunch and we would have had the same. Thanks for playing along. You need to tell me (email) if your parents called about the land.
And we would like that chicken recipe--could have shared that before now! Ahem.

Jenny said...

I didn't even think about stretch marks. Guess after 13 years, I've finally forgotten about them....

Anonymous said...

LOL, embrace those stretch marks, girlfriend! They aren't going anywhere, LOL! At least mine haven't!:o)

I had to laugh when you said you could make yourself burp! Me too and my hidden trick is burping like a man, LOL! So lady-like, I know!