March 30, 2007

Hemangioma Progress

I have shared previously about our daughter's hemangioma on her nose. I wanted to show you what progress has been made. She's had 5 laser treatments and one big surgery. Typically, after a laser treatment, we see some progress but nothing drastic. After our last one (done a week ago), I've been able to tell great progress. It seems lighter now than it ever has.


Robin Green said...

The difference is amazing. She is such a beautiful girl--we just love her so much!

gail@more than a song said...

What a cutie pie! Big difference in the 2 shots.
She has such pretty eyes & smile and I love her curly hair!

Anonymous said...

Awww, she's adorable!! She's come so far! The difference in those 2 pictures is amazing! My oldest daughter was born with a Hemangioma on her right eye. She has a dinky bit left now and she's 13 ~ you have to be right in her face to even see it. But it was hard ona Mama's heart (as you well know) when she was little ~ having to answer stranger's questions or having people stare. (((HUGS))) Your little girl is a doll baby!

Becky said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I wanted to come by and say hi!

I was so amazed to 'meet' someone else whose daughter had a hemangioma!!! I never have 'met' anyone else with one before.
We could swap some stories for sure!
My daughter's was half the size of a golf ball and on her forehead and threatening to damage her eye. When she was 4 mo. old she had a major surgery to remove it. She is 10 yrs. old now. She is beautiful.
She does have an inch and a half scar on her forehead and she doesn't care at all. She could wear her hair in bangs if she cared and cover it, but she doesn't.
Did God ever teach me a lot through it as I'm sure He has you.
I agree with Carrie, it was hard on this Mama's heart too when she was little. But, when we visited the plastic surgeon's office for check ups, my heart wanted to weep because my daughter looked the BEST by comparison to all the other deformities we'd see. It was all so humbling.

Your daughter is beautiful!

Sorry this is so long.

Jessica said...

I backtracked a bit after I saw the picture of your adorable daughter. I see a lot of patients (Children) with Hemangioma's. Because I see one of the most well known drs for that here in NYC - Dr. Waner (part of He does an amazing job. Looks like they are doing fantastic with your little one. She's beautiful! God Bless you and your family!