March 28, 2007


We are struggling with a number of trials in our house with the primary one being EXHAUSTION. Our 6 month old (the above cutie) is teething. I had no idea how awful it could be. She woke up 5 times last night and woke the entire household up (including our 2 year old) at 4:45 this morning. I'm sure most of you know what a two year old is like when they are exhausted. Thank the Lord a good friend had given me a book by Lisa Welchel called Taking Care of the Me in Mommy. One statement she made has reminded me of my important influence on my household including my husband, children and their attitudes. She states that "moms set the tone in the home". I am reminded how important it is to take care of ourselves so that we can set a loving and pleasant atmosphere in our home.

Deuteronomy 25:18 "They attacked you when you were exhausted and weary, and they struck down those that were lagging behind." (NLT)


Anonymous said...

I can relate! My kids both woke every two hours for 8 months (my son) and 13 months (my daughter). The only advice I can give is that it will eventually pass! I will say a prayer for you in the meantime!

Anonymous said...

So true. We really do set the tone more than we realize.

I hope your lil' one gets through this teething phase quickly. Praying for y'all to get some better rest tonight.

Anonymous said...

Whew! We are going through this too. My son has recently gotten three teeth within days of each other. But he has been waking several times a night for the last two months over it. Or at least that is the only thing I can relate it to! And that book...I need to read it desperately!

Annie said...

Sleep is so important (especially for us moms). The good news is it gets better :)
Thank you for believing with me in regards to Izzy, "I also tell you this: If two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you." Matthew 18:19


Robin Green said...

This, too, shall pass--and all too quickly if you ask me! Didn't you just want to hear that? I know it's hard and you are in my prayers!

6Pigtales and A Buzzcutboy said...

I too am going through this and went through it before with my other kids..I guess what I say to others now is..Yeah you will be a little more tired in the morning but..before too long our little babies will be all grown up..cherish even these tough times too.