September 22, 2007

Weekend Reflection - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Wow--my weeks seem so busy. My husband keeps saying, "I've been waiting on you to post something else." I've been having a hard time finding time to do so but here it is...finally!:)

  • Monday--Hung out with my girls at home.
  • Tuesday--Work day! Today was birthday lunch at work. The theme was "appetizers". I made Mississippi State Sin Dip. You can see the recipe here.
  • Wednesday--Work day! Today was staff meeting during lunch. It's harmless but boring!:) I had a massage right after lunch! It was WONDERFUL! We went to church after work. I ended up staying in the nursery because the person scheduled to do it didn't show up.
  • Thursday--Work day! It was a good day! I ran errands at lunch and the girls and I came home after work. It's always nice coming home after being gone for 2 days. My MIL came home with us.
  • Friday--My husband's family came over. We grilled out and just hung out together.
  • Saturday--My husband and my nephew are going to the University of Alabama campus to hang out before the Alabama vs. Georgia game. The women are all going to Target!!:)

I hope everyone had a great week!

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Anonymous said...

Yeppers, that was a good week! Glad it went well for y'all!

Jenny said...

Great week! Sorry I missed you Wed. night--it was dh's mom's b'day. We took her out to eat. Yum.
MS State Sin Dip?? Hate I don't work with you :) Ok, not really...but you know how much I love that dip.
I'm so glad the boys are hanging out at UA today. Nephew is sure to like it! I hope the game is on TV. I'll be talking to you sometime this week before we go.

Anonymous said...


Oldqueen44 said...

Your music scares the heck out of me every time. I just get settled into reading and a few seconds later on comes the music. Someone could get a good chuckle if they were watching me.
Anyway, nice post.

Corrie said...

Hey Mandalyn!
I'll have to try some of that dip!
Hope the gals had fun at Target!
That's one of my favorite stores too!

Anonymous said...

Seem's like a great week. Love the coffee mug, by the way.


Rochelle said...

I'm wiped out reading your post! You stay pretty busy! It sounds like you had a very productive and great week!!

Robin Green said...

You are quite the busy bee. I am thinking of skipping church to shop--I guess, if I'm not there, you will know where I was. If I am there, you will know I was convicted! ;)