September 7, 2007

Weekend Reflection - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

This has not been my best week. The Lord was good to me but I have not felt well. I have actually been sick since last Thursday. Both of my girls and my mother had the same thing but they have recovered more quickly than I have.

  • Monday--Sick but went shopping with my mom and my girls. While out, I dropped my wallet and by the time I retrieved it, someone had stolen my debit card. I had to fill out a police report, cancel the card and order a new one! Ugh!!!!!
  • Tuesday--Still sick. I had to call in to work and stay at my parents house. I was just too ill to go home and take care of the girls by myself.
  • Wednesday--Still sick but slightly better. Still stayed home from work and wasn't able to go to church.
  • Thursday--I was just well enough to get up, put my clothes on, take the girls to the baby sitter and go to work. I still didn't feel well but made it at work until the middle of the afternoon.
  • Friday--We've come over to my parents b/c we're having my husband's birthday party tomorrow. My grandparents have come over. The Coach for Life family and the Jenna's Joyful Journey family are coming to the party! I'm looking forward to seeing them!
Hope everyone else had a great week and has a wonderful weekend!

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Annie said...

Oh Mandalyn, sorry you have been so sick. I hope you have a great party!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, I'm so sorry you've been sick. I'll keep you in my prayers.

As for your debit card getting stolen. How awful! Their day *will* come. Bless your heart!

Monkey Giggles said...

Ohhh. I am so sorry you have been sick.

Have a great birthday party!!!

Mom Tu-Tu said...

Sorry to hear that you've been sick!

It's terrible to have something stolen! My wallet once got thrown out of the cart by my toddler and when I realized it and found it all my cash had been stolen out of it.

Anonymous said...

I hope you will feel better and have a wonderful time at the party!

Anonymous said...

aww I hope you get to feeling better.
Have a great week!

Rochelle said...

I am sorry you have not felt well. This week will be better! I have had my debit card stolen before... what a PAIN! That is enough to make one sick right there!