September 26, 2007

Toddler Talk - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

While counting money in my oldest's "Hello Kitty" purse....

Mommy: "What are you going to do with all this money?"

Oldest: "I'm going to buy some POWERED doughnuts."

While sewing with my 72 year old MIL...

Oldest to her Mamaw: "When you get older you can sew but right now you're not big enough."


Oldest to Mommy: "Your toenail polish is making my bottom hurt. I need some cream for my bottom."

**Where does she get some of this stuff?**

Talking with oldest about going to the beach (or the "big water" as she calls it)...

Oldest: "I'm gonna catch crabs when I get to the big water."

Mommy: "You are? What do crabs look like?"

Oldest: "Like oatmeal, grits and porridge."

Mommy: "What do you want Santa Claus to bring you for Christmas?"

Oldest: "I want him to bring me candy, balls to throw in the air and cake."

**She gets the sweet tooth from me!**


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Judi said...

I love reading these posts. It cracks me up what she says! :)

Anonymous said...

So cute! I bet your MIL loved the "when you get older" comment!

Jenny said...

I hope Santa brings me some cake, too ;) She is so funny!! She's got all the answers, and aren't we glad? 'Cause we'd be lost without her! We're on the countdown!! :) Yay!

Joyfull said...

Those are too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. How cute!

Julie said...

What sweet words. thanks for sharing.

Annie said...

She is so funny!!!