June 22, 2007

OK--I'm Better Now

Well, I don't feel like this anymore!

Last night was not a good night for me. In fact, this last week was really hard. The closer my husband gets to graduation (December), the harder it seems to be getting. We've been living here and I've been traveling for the last 20 months and I think I'm just giving out! My body feels worn out much of the time and I know my mental strength is running out! I'm just trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I had a great night's sleep last night and that helped me greatly! The Lord also knew what I need this morning and that is a morning at home with my girls! They both woke up in great moods and we've been having a good time together.

Now, I'm off to clean my house before we leave to go to my parents' house. My grandparents are coming today. We're going to celebrate my Mamaw's 76th birthday!

I'll post some more later! I hope you all have a great weekend!

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Julie said...


I just found your blog and I enjoyed my visit.

I hope you get a few more good nights sleep.

When you are a mom with little ones sometimes that is all you need to feel refreshed and ready for whatever lies ahead.


Corrie said...

Hey Mandalyn,
I know it is crazy while your husband is in school. And I know you know that when it is said and done, you will look back and be SO thankful for the sacrifices it took to get there. But in the meantime, I am thinking of you and praying for you. Sometimes my husband talks about going back to school and I try to picture how different our lives will be for 2-3 years while he does it...I don't think it would make sense to me unless we just dove in to the madness and started, you know?
Hope you have a relaxing weekend. I have missed your posts this week.
Your friend,

Annie said...

Did you get a new profile pic?
It's very pretty.
It's good that you can see that light and that the tunnel is not so long.
I pray that God gives you strength.
Have fun with your family.


Jenny said...

glad you're feeling better!! And I like the picture on the side bar--very good. It's actually one of my faves of you! See you very soon!

Jenny said...

You found the song!! :) I love it!! Now do something so my new pic will pop up when I leave you some sweet comments.

Jenny said...

There's nothing like a good night's sleep...I don't get them often but when I do things are wonderful! lol!