June 24, 2007

A Little of This and A Little of That

Thank the Lord it's raining. We've been in such a drought down here and this shower is a blessing from above!! We had a great weekend at my parents celebrating my grandmother's birthday. I made her a photo album of her great-granddaughters on Shutterfly . It almost brought tears to her eyes. My grandfather was sitting next to her and I could see the envy in his eyes (good envy, of course). He loves to have pics of his great-granddaughters. Unknown to him was that we had made him one for Father's Day as well and presented it to him right after that. He was so pleased to have one of his own. He always takes pics of my girls to church to show them off so I know that he will take his photo album on Wednesday night.

We had a rough night last night. My oldest was sleeping with my parents and woke up from a bad dream about 12:30 am this morning. I went and got her (my dad had to fly to Miami today and needed his rest) and held her on the couch just as she stated she wanted. She was so restless that at 2:00 am I had to lay her in the bed. Needless to say, I didn't get any rest between 12:30 and 2:00. I'm thankful I was at my parents' house because they watched the girls and let me rest until 10:00 am this morning. I had planned to go to church but didn't make it in light of the circumstances. I wanted to stay and see my dad and grandparents off as well.

I'm looking forward to a great week. I'm going to really enjoy dinner with my two wonderful friends, Jenny and Jenna. We are going to travel about 30 minutes away to eat at Ruby Tuesday's. I wasn't in on the decision making process since I didn't make church this morning. Jenny called me this afternoon to inform me that they had made an executive decision on my behalf. Since these are two of my favorite people in the entire world, I didn't mind not one iota!!:) (Has everyone heard the word "iota" or is that a Southern term?) I love Ruby Tuesday's and am looking forward to some "girl time". My husband and sister-in-law are also going to keep my girls at my house and let me spend Monday and Tuesday night at my parent's house. It will just be me and my mom and I will enjoy the quiet time. I will begin my work week on Tuesday but I think my mom and I are planning on going to a movie Tuesday night. Jenny told me that she and dh saw Nancy Drew and really liked it.

I hope everyone has a great week!

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Robin Green said...

I just posted this afternoon about our executive decision. I'm glad Jenny called you. We saw Nancy Drew too--with my dad. You are one of my favorite people too! See you tomorrow. Missed you today

Anonymous said...

I thank God for the rain, too. It gives me a valid excuse not to work on the yard.



Anonymous said...

Y'all enjoy your lunch! I bet there will be lots of laughs that day! Girl time is always fun!!

Annie said...

I'm so jealous! :o) Have fun!

Sonya said...

Hope you had fun eating with Jenny and Jenna. I know it had to be a blast!

The photo albums are a wonderful idea. I may use that for Christmas gifts this year!

Jenn said...

I hope you had a great time with your dear friends! And yep, here in MA, we use iota. Not a whole lot, but it's used. ;-)
