October 1, 2007

Meme Time

1. Accent--Definetly Southern

2. I don't drink anything alcoholic. I love Diet Coke, Diet Dr. Pepper and Milo's tea with Splenda.

3. Chores I dislike--I hate de-cluttering. I never know where to put papers. I need to be more organized. This is a goal of mine for when my husband graduates and we move back home.

4. Pets--Mutt dog (part Jack Russell) named Molly and a cat named Sox

5. Essential Electronics--computer

6. Perfume--don't wear it. I'm a lotion person instead.

7. Gold or Silver-Silver--my wedding ring is gold though.

8. Insomnia--never had it until I had children.

9. Job Title--Speech Therapist (part-time), Wife & Mom

10. Most Admired Traits--Ability to eat 1/2 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts in one sitting!:)

11. Kids--I have 2 daughters.

12. Phobia--I am afraid of spiders and snakes.

13. Religion--Christian. We attend an Assembly of God church.

14. Siblings--I am an only child.

15. Time I wake up--I get up at 5:00 am on days I work.

16. Unusual talent/skill--I can make myself burp. I was taught how to do this (and pretty well) by a family friend when I was very young!

17. Vegetables I refuse to eat--brussel sprouts, asparagus, beets and turnip greens.

18. Worst habit--stress eating

19. X-rays--dental, chest

20. My favorite meal--Fettucine Alfredo with Chicken or Shrimp

21. I am tagging: whoever wants to do this meme. Let me know if you do this so I can read it!

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gail@more than a song said...

I still haven't been to Milo's yet, but better hurry since E will only be there til May. I love your favorite meal too! Don't like chores or the decluttering. And I don't know if I had realized you were an only child!

Annie said...

I love de-cluttering! Throwing things away gives me a rush.

Yum! Krispy Kreme & fettuccine alfredo! Now I am hungry, some of my favorites too.

Anonymous said...

I dislike spiders and snakes, and I love anything with alfredo sauce! Fun meme!

Anonymous said...

i took the meme on my blog.
i wear silver,and don't like spiders niether

Monkey Giggles said...

#17 is not even allowed in the house. I think they stink!!

Julie said...

Umm, I could probably eat the whole dozen crispy cream in one sitting. I admire your will power to only eat half. lol

Corrie said...

I'm with you on the Chicken or Shrimp Alfredo! Yum Yum!!
Have a great week!